Face Time

written by Dan
You know what’s so great about Myspace? It’s the fact that you can check out what your friends are doing and as a bonus you don’t need to stab yourself in the eyes to destroy your vision because they’re already on fire.

And so it was with a great deal of hesitation that I accepted an invitation to Facebook. The new COOL social networking website. So I filled out my details, and accepted my friend request and sent out invites to people who already have a face book account, and accepted their requests, and installed a drawing plug-in and suddenly it was late in the night and I still couldn’t get enough.

Why was I so keen? Why am I suddenly addicted to finding out who poked me? I think it’s because of the sweet, sweet validation. As grown-ups we no longer make friendships official. These are the guys I drink with. These are the guys I do improv with. These are the guys I play cards with. But at no point is there an official declaration like in primary school.

Now each day I check my e-mail and I find ’Will you be my friend?’ sitting in my tray.
"Yes," I cry, "I shall. You and I are now friends."

I’m popular! At long last,.. I’m popular.
posted at 9:35 am Monday July 23 2007