F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Broken China '
written by
:Tyler says: you know what i hate about the chinese?
:Monigue says: would it be obtuse of me to guess that you’re reflecting on their constant violation of human rights within their culture?
,Tyler talk.,Monique coffee.
:Tyler says: sushi.
:Monigue says: *sigh* i imagine it’s probably impossible to dissuade you from your own personal reality.
:Tyler says: i mean, yuck! raw fish,.. gross!
,Tyler angry.,Monique talk.
:Tyler says: and what’s with that nintendo crap?
:Monigue says: and that would be my cue to stop listening now
:Tyler says: that ’mario’ guy, he’s not even chinese.
,Tyler angry.,Monique news.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Wife Beating '
written by
:Monigue says: i was just talking to my friend megan. that bastard clive has been beating her up. there’s really nothing worse than someone who gets drunk and abusive.
:Tyler says: well,...
:Monigue says: oh please don’t tell me you’re about to defend this.
,Tyler query.,Monique angry.
:Tyler says: well, at least if he’s drunk and abusive he’d miss more often.
:Monigue says: more often than what?
:Tyler says: than if he was just abusive.
,Tyler guilty.,Monique talk.
:Tyler says: what are you doing?
:Monigue says from offstage: having a drink.
:Tyler says: that’s a lot of vodka for this time of morning.
,Tyler query.,Monique none.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' This man is a dentist... '
written by
:Tyler says from offstage: aargh! dear lord! the pain!
,Tyler none.,Monique shock.
:Tyler says: the fan tore my face off!
:Monigue says: my god! how?
:Tyler says: i put my head in it.
,Tyler headinhands.,Monique shock.
:Tyler says: it seemed like a good idea at the time.
:Monigue says: of course dear. would you like me to call for an ambulance?
:Tyler says: if it’s not too much trouble.
,Tyler headinhands.,Monique talk.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Staring Competition '
written by
,Tyler silent.,Monique silent.,Tyler silent.,Monique silent.
:Tyler says: cheat! no eye gouging!
:Monigue says: booyah!
,Tyler headinhands.,Monique coffee.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Ticket '
written by
:Tyler says: i need to borrow $5 for a lottery ticket.
:Monigue says: *sigh* okay, but on one condition. if you win, you have to take me on a sailing trip around the world.
,Tyler talk.,Monique talk.
:Tyler says: stuck on a boat for months at a time with only you for company?
,Tyler talk.,Monique coffee.
:Tyler says: thank god the odds are 8 million to one.
,Tyler talk.,Monique silent.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Great Ass '
written by
:Tyler says from offstage: woohoo! touch down!
:Monigue says: quiet, pea brain.
,Tyler none.,Monique news.
:Tyler says from offstage: don’t interrupt me during the big game!!...woman...
:Monigue says: what big game? there’s no football on tonight...
,Tyler none.,Monique query.
:Monigue says from offstage: you idiot, that’s netball.
:Tyler says from offstage: what?! but...ohh, so the ga jersey doesn’t stand for great arse?
,Tyler none.,Monique none.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
written by
:Tyler says from offstage: excuse me horse, do you speak?
:Tyler says from offstage: *neigh*
:Tyler says from offstage: i thought not.
,Tyler none.,Monique coffee.
:Tyler says from offstage: hahahahahaha
,Tyler none.,Monique query.
:Tyler says from offstage: hahahahaha
i kill me.
:Monigue says: who the hell are you talking to?
,Tyler none.,Monique query.
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