F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Fantastic Voyage '
written by
just what is paul robinson up to on the latest episode of super celebrity porn neighbours?
,Tyler query.,Monique news.
:Tyler says: his elbow?
,Tyler slygrin.,Monique silent.
:Tyler says: ow...hurties
,Tyler headinhands.,Monique angry.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Haimoo '
written by
:Monigue says: all men are evil.
,Tyler silent.,Monique talk.
:Tyler says: women are tools of satan.
,Tyler talk.,Monique silent.
:Monigue says: kitties are nice though.
,Tyler slygrin.,Monique talk.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Buy me a Hippo '
written by
:Monigue says: i met a beautiful woman today who offered me one million dollars for one night with my husband.
:Tyler says: really?
,Tyler slygrin.,Monique talk.
:Tyler says: so...
,Tyler query.,Monique news.
:Monigue says: ...so i shot her with my taser and had her taken away to the loony bin.
:Tyler says: nooooooooooo!
,Tyler headinhands.,Monique slygrin.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Valentine’s Day '
written by
:Monigue says: cling wrap over the toilet, tyler?
:Tyler says: it’s the classics that are the best. happy valentine’s day.
,Tyler talk.,Monique angry.
:Monigue says: you’re thinking of april fool’s day.
:Tyler says: i always get those confused,..
,Tyler talk.,Monique query.
:Tyler says: i wonder why.
,Tyler talk.,Monique silent.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Ordering a Pizza '
written by
:Monigue says from offstage: phone says! hello, welcome to pizza hut. i’m annie, a robot that can understand english to make it easier for you to order. where would you like to pick up from?
:Tyler says from offstage: wishart
:Monigue says from offstage: phone says! you have selected,.. ’warrick’. is this correct?
,Tyler none.,Monique news.
:Tyler says from offstage: wishart!!
:Monigue says from offstage: phone says! you have selected ’no’. where would you like to pickup from?
:Tyler says from offstage: oh for the love of,.. wishart!
,Tyler none.,Monique news.
:Monigue says from offstage: phone says! you have selected ’active warhead’. is this correct?
:Tyler says from offstage: god damn,... waste of,... stupid,.!!!!
:Monigue says from offstage: phone says! you have selected ’yes’.
,Tyler none.,Monique shock.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Mini '
written by
:Monigue says: i was thinking of buying myself a mini.
,Tyler coffee.,Monique guilty.
:Tyler says: yeah! sure! go ahead!
:Monigue says: really? cool!
,Tyler shock.,Monique shock.
:Tyler says: i love those skirts.
:Monigue says: i thought i’d have to convince him to let me buy a new car.
,Tyler slygrin.,Monique slygrin.
F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' Trial Delays '
written by
:Tyler says: says here that michael jackson checked into a hospital yesterday.
:Monigue says: does it say why?
,Tyler news.,Monique coffee.
:Tyler says: they’re calling it a "flu-like illness."
:Monigue says: oh, i see. i don’t suppose this means they’ll be putting his trial on hold?
,Tyler news.,Monique talk.
:Tyler says: guess so. say, i’m not feeling so well myself.
:Monigue says: you’re not getting out of tantric sex night that easily.
:Tyler says: no, really, i think i’m going to vomit.
,Tyler shock.,Monique angry.
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