F#@$ You, My Darling!
created by Dan Beeston.
' We’re all Individuals '
written by
:Monigue says: i ran into justin and louise today. they asked how you were and wanted to know if we would be interested in going to a bbq some time. i told them it was a good idea and suggested that they should invite andrew and cheryl, zoe and ash and john and leeanne. zoe’s little girl just had her first birthday.
:Tyler says: hmmm...bbq, sounds good. it makes you wonder though.
:Monigue says: bbq’s make you wonder?
,Tyler coffee.,Monique talk.
:Tyler says: no, bbq’s make me hungry. i was speaking of our individuality, no, that’s not quite right. it’s just, our friends know us as tylerandmonique, as we know them as justinandlouise or zoeandashley. i was curious as to when we stopped being just tyler and just monique.
:Monigue says: i’m pretty sure i remember the day, i believe an impressive clergyman was involved. did you believe you were ever just tyler?
,Tyler talk.,Monique talk.
:Monigue says: i guess so.
,Tyler query.,Monique coffee.
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