Just Married

written by Dan
Hi there beloved readers, I’m back from my honeymoon weekend away. On Thursday the 27th of October I married my beautiful girlfriend Aurèlie Lhirondelle and turned her into the everso less intoxicatingly named Aurèlie Beeston. It was a spectacular weekend complete with wedding dresses, sunny weather and rainbows. We really couldn’t have asked for anything more. Also big thanks to all the well wishes we’ve received.

First casualty of Bird Flu in Paris
Lots of other stuff has been going on too. This Bird flu is pretty nasty. And it’s already spread to Paris.

Now the comic,.. FYMD will be finishing in about two weeks. That’s all the time you have before the characters are retired. Then it’s onward and upward with new exciting shenanigans.

Hmm, what else,..

Oh I found Uluru on Google Maps recently. There was a site that had the 100 interesting things on Google maps. Every single one of them was in America. I can’t help but feel that’s a bit closed minded. I mean, there are the pyramids in Egypt, the Eiffel Tower,.. The Nile, The Amazon. Heaps of fun stuff.

Now, what else. Oh, this parody trailer of the Emo Rangers made me laugh like a train.

Phew! Busy.
posted at 6:36 am Tuesday November 01 2005