Swearing Blind

written by Dan
Seen at my local JB Hi-Fi.

TV Series sign misspelled TV Seriers

When I grow up I want to be a Sighen Righter.

You may have noticed that all the news articles that were available up until the site changed over are now missing. If I get one reader who asks to have an archive of these old news items made available I will do it. Not that there’s anything really interesting in there. But hey, If you want it. You ask for it.

Here’s something novel. Not only is the archive of ’F#$@ You, My Darling!’ WC3 complaint but I’ve added some features that allows the blind to get the most out of the strip. If you have a text to speech program available to you (OSX has this built in) then select all the text of the FYMD comic page and hit play. Everything will be read out to you in the style of an annoying aunt reading a cartoon over your shoulder.

The internet is too damn good to miss out on and it’s not fair that the blind have sucha restricted use of such a valuable resource. As a provider of internet content I believe it’s crucial to follow WC3 specifications and make the Internet a place for all.

Except Penguins. Everybody hates Penguins.
posted at 5:28 pm Friday November 26 2004